Ed & Fred’s Journey to the Holy Land
Day 1
Ed & Fred's journey to the Holy Land. Left St. John's @ 11:55 AM today & hope to arrive in Tel Aviv 10: 30 tomorrow morning. Currently in Toronto terminal E.
Day 2
Arrived in Tel Aviv on time at 10:30 am local time. Got a local taxi (minivan) to St George's College in Jerusalem some 30 km away. Interesting ride as the driver dropped off some locals in the neighborhoods of Jerusalem. When we were down to only two other passengers, we found out they were currently living in Edmonton, but one was from Triton, NL.
Today, Friday, is the Jewish Sabbath so everything Jewish closes at 3 pm. Today also marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year.
St. George's College is located between the Jewish and Muslim parts of the city. We walked to the Muslim section and had our first Israeli meal…Cheeseburgers!
Went to Evening Prayer at St. George's Cathedral. Early night tonight.
Day 3
Our course does not start till Monday evening so we have lots of time to explore. Spent today in the Old City of Jerusalem with markets and Holy sites side by side.
Went though the markets to the Tower of David which was very spectacular & informative. We then did the Rampart walk along the top of the fortress wall which took us almost three quarters of the way around the outer perimeter of the old city. We walked the rest of the way outside and then went back in where we started. Ten plus kms for sure. We visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, David's tomb, the Upper Room (Last Supper). 15 kms of walking to get another Israeli cheeseburger on the way back.
Day 4
Left the college at 9 am to take advantage of cooler morning temperature (only 20 going up to the high 20's). As we had spent two days getting the lay of the land, it was now time to visit the Holy sites. Headed for Mount of Olives (40 min walk). Visited the Garden of Gethsamne, to the top of the mountain which overlooks the Old City, Church of the Ascension, the Tomb of the Prophets and Mary's tomb. We then went back into the Old City to visit the Western Wall and Church of the Holy Selpuchre which houses, Golgotha, the place of the Cross, the place where Jesus body was prepared for burial and the tomb. What is most difficult to comprehend is how close all these places are to one another,compared to what we imagine from Scripture. Returned to the college after 12 km day and attended Evening Prayer at St. Georges Cathedral. I was humbled to read one of the lessons.
Day 5
Posting this at 3:45 pm. We have already walked over 10 km's today and came back early to rest and clean up up for the opening Eucharist and dinner which starts at 6 pm. Have met other pilgrims from Florida, New York. Massachusetts and Australia who will be on the journey with us.
I went back to the Church of the Holy Sepchlur today and sat only 12 - 15 feet from the place of the Cross. I have the Parish list for St. Paul's and parish prayer list. I prayed for every single person by name out loud. That would have been about 3:30 AM NL time.
Revisited the Western Wall and prayed for our Bishop Sam, the Diocese, St. Paul's parish, programs and community outreach, Sowing Seeds - Growing Community, diocesan outreach to the homeless and giving thanks to God for allowing us to participate in the building of the Kingdom. Amen.
Day 6
This was our first outing outside of Jerusalem to the West Bank. Departed college by bus with first stop at Wadi Qelt. Walked up a mountain overlooking Jericho which may have been the wilderness area where Jesus spent 40 day & 40 nights. Pictures tell it all. Met a young Bedouin boy selling bracelets. Proceded to the town of Jericho which today is an attraction for its water theme parks. Had an excellent lunch at a very nice restaurant. Departed for the Jordan River. We had a service of renewal of our Baptismal vows before entering the Jordan River. You will see in pictures that Jordan has an almost adjoining area. Both sides guarded by their respective military.
Day 7
Spent the day in Bethlehem. Visited the location where Mary, pregnant with Jesus, visited her cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with John. Proceeded to a refugee camp with families displaced from their homes in the war of 1948. Had lunch at a centre in the camp created by women to support disabled children. An amazing story. Went to the site of Jesus' birth to see the manger. Back to the college for dinner. Heading out tomorrow for a 3 day excursion to the Sea of Galilee And Nazareth.
Day 8
Left today for 3 days around the Sea of Galilee. First stop was in Tabgha (part of Capernaum) and on the shore where Jesus would have called the first disciples Peter, Andrew and John. Had a meditation on the Gospel story and sang a hymn within 30 feet of the water. On the same site is the home of Peter's mother in law whom Jesus healed and also, the remains of a Jewish temple. Interesting that over 2000 years there could be a church built over a church and another built over those.
Went to a more modern built site for lunch. We had what they call "St. Peter's fish" with chips (not Newfoundland style). After lunch we went for a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. The captain shut off the boat out on the lake and we had another meditation on Jesus' ministry in the area and sang a hymn.
Left for one hour drive to Nazareth where we are staying at a convent for two nights. Back to the Sea of Galilee tomorrow which will include time for a swim.
Day 9
After yesterday afternoon's post we attended a service of Adoration of the Holy Sacrament at the Church of the Announciation. This church commemorates the Angel Gabriel's announcement to the youg Virgin Mary that she will give birth to the Son of God. The service was in four languages including English. The music was heavenly.
Today we headed back to the Sea of Galilee. On the way we visited Banias National Park / Biblical Caesarea Phillipi where the Jordan River begins. This is the area where Jesus asked Peter "who do you say that I am.". Nearby are the remains of King Agrippa's castle. We proceeded to the Sea of Galilee for lunch followed by a service of Holy Eucharist within feet of the shore of the Sea of Galilee and later went for a swim.
We returned to the Guest House of the Sisters of Nazareth where we stayed last night and tonight. When we thought we saw it all, we were given a tour by a sister of a cavern under the guest house, where in recent years they have discovered the early childhood home of Jesus and the burial cave of Joseph. We are sleeping five floors above where Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived. Unbelievable!
Day 10
Third day in Nazareth after spending two nights at the Sisters of Nazareth Covent and sleeping directly over Jesus childhood home. Spent the morning with a guided tour of old Nazareth and markets. Another visit to the Church of the Announciation and the Upper Basilica. Had lunch at a local restaurant and departed by bus to Mount Tabor, the location of Jesus Transfiguration. The big tour bus would navigate the 12 or more hairpin turns up the mountain so we transferred to mini buses. Church and to the view were spectacular. Returned to St. Georges College in Jerusalem.
Day 11
Up very early this morning to leave for the Temple on the Mount in the Muslim Quarter of The Old City. St. Georges has a respected relationship with the Muslim community and this enabled a special tour. A guide met us at the entrance and walked us through the large plaza. We visited the Dome of the Rock, also known as the Temple Mount built over the mountain where it is believed to be the place where Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac before God's Divine intervention. Also believed to be the place where God created the world Then on to the Al Aqsa Mosque, a very large congregational mosque or prayer hall. Pictures tell more than words can describe. The ladies lined up against the wall are from our group. Ultra modest dress was required.
We had to be out of the area by 10:30 am and the start of Muslim worship.
Strolled around the Old City for the rest of the morning. Back to the college for some R&R in the afternoon.
Day 12
Departed College of foot for the Old City and the Pool of Bathesda where Jesus healed a lame man. Had a Service of Healing and Annointing beside the remains of the old pool. We sang Amazing Grace. Went inside St Anne's Church on the same site. This is believed to be the home of Mary's parents and where Mary was born.
Walked through the Old City to the Maronite Guest House for lunch. After lunch some of us returned to the Church of the Holy Selpuchre where the crowds were surprisingly small. Revisited the tomb and the location of the Cross. Four of us went to a small chapel at the foot of the Cross and prayed.
We worked our way back through the Old City to the college for a cool shower, do some laundry, attend Evening Prayer and Dinner followed by our usual after dinner walk.