Our services.


Baptism is a sacred and joyful event that families can share with our larger parish family. It is a sign of new life in Christ and unites Christ with His people. When we are baptized, a commitment is made to follow Jesus Christ. The Baptismal service includes Godparents, Parents, and the family members along with our parish family who all commit to support the newly baptized.

The Anglican Church baptizes all followers into the family of God; infants, children, and adults alike. A meeting with the Rector prior to the Baptismal ceremony is normally conducted to share the details of the event, and to prepare everyone for what to expect during the service.

To schedule a baptism or if you have any  further questions regarding baptism, please contact the church office at 368-3078 or by email at stpaulsgoulds@gmail.com.
All are welcome.


Confirmation Preparation Program "Gifted by God" to begin in January.  

The Confirmation Preparation Program will be:

  • Six Sessions approximately 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Wednesday evenings.

  • Confirmation date to be confirmed based on Bishop's schedule.     

Confirmation is a special church service in which a young person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptized. Confirmation is offered to young people ages 11 and up and adults.  If you are interested in confirmation please contact the church office.

In Confirmation we express a commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop.
Confirmation at St. Paul's is a faith journey for young people age 11 years and older.
Deciding to be confirmed means that you are ready to take on promises that were made for you by your parents and godparents at your baptism. These promises and other aspects of the church are explored and instructed throughout the confirmation classes.  These classes are mandatory for all candidates to attend and follow the confirmation program. Attendance at church is expected as it is an excellent way for the candidates to learn more about worshipping at our parish and they are also encouraged to participate in the various church services throughout the year.
If you would like further information regarding confirmation please contact the church office at  368-3078 or by email at


The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a Christian marriage offered to couples who wish to enter into a life-long commitment and union. If you plan to be married in the Anglican church you are required to give a 90-day notice, and complete a marriage preparation course with the Rector. All questions about the wedding will be answered during the course. Please contact the office at 368-3078 or by email at stpaulsgoulds@gmail.com.

Funerals and Burial

Funerals are celebrations of life of our love done in the midst of our sorrow. Once the arrangements have been made with the funeral home, the clergy will meet with you at your convenience and assist with the careful planning and pastoral care for you and your family. This is a very emotional time as we mark the end of your loved one’s earthly life while expressing our faith and hope in the resurrection.

Home Communion

Home Communion is offered to any parishioner who is unable to attend church due to illness, mobility issues or other concerns. If you or a family member would like to avail of this ministry please contact the office at 368-3078 or by email at stpaulsgoulds@gmail.com and a time will be arranged with you.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care involves being with and listening to people in their times of confusion, joy, pain and recovery.  Our Rector will gladly meet those seeking spiritual guidance or direction.   Please contact the office at 368-3078 or by email at stpaulsgoulds@gmail.com and a time will be arranged with you.   You may wish to contact Rev. Fred directly at 727-4346 

Hospital Chaplaincy

Please note that Pastoral Care is provided by designated hospital chaplains.  Parish clergy can only pastorally visit any Eastern Health facility with the consent of the patient/resident.  The clergy are NOT automatically notified by the hospital or long-term care home.  If you or your loved one would like a visit from your parish clergy, please call the parish office at  368-3078 or by email at stpaulsgoulds@gmail.com.