Eucharistic Assistants

Eucharistic Assistants

We give thanks to those who offer themselves in the many ministries of the church. 

Meet our Ministry Team: Doris Bartlett, Judy Brown, Alan Goodridge, Janice Heffernan, Karen Hodder, Joanne Moss, Kim Stanley, Mary Lou Vokey.

Lay Reader Kim Stanley: I grew up in Kilbride and St. Paul’s has been my church my entire life. I am active with our ACW group and served as treasurer from 2016-2022. I am currently on vestry since 2018. In January of 2022 I received my licence to become a Eucharistic Assistant, and later  in 2022 , received my Lay-Readers licence. I enjoy volunteering and serving on different committees. 

Pictured Left-Right: Joanne Moss, Kim Stanley, Karen Hodder.